About - Laila Of Jesus Christ

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Peace, the kingdom of God is at hand. I am a born again Christian living for Jesus Christ who has redeemed me from the curse of the law of sin and death, by whose stripes I am healed! Amen!! All glory to God!

I have been anointed to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ testifying to the lost, broken hearted, those in bondage and the suffering the good news! The Lord is our healer and he is the same yesterday, today and forever!! Amen!!

Q: Where are you from?
A: Heaven.

Q: How old are you?
A: I'm immortal.

Q: Where did you attend seminary school?
A: I haven't.

Q: Who has ordained you into ministry?
A: Jesus Christ.

Q: What qualifies you to speak on topics relating to traumas, both physical and emotional?
A: Experience.

Q. Why should people listen to your words?
A. No one can come to the Lord, except they be drawn by the Father. All that I speak is Holy Spirit inspired and of personal testimonies to the Glory of God.

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